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PRISMH.CORE is a Python package that provides basic validation and formatting functionality for data structures that adhere to the PRISMH specifications.

Example Usage

This package exposes a handful of simple functions for validating and formatting the standard PRISMH data structures:

>>> from prismh.core import validate_instrument, get_instrument_json

>>> instrument = {"foo": "bar", "id": "urn:my-instrument", "title": "An Instrument Title", "record": [{"id": "field1","type": "text"}], "version": "1.0"}
>>> validate_instrument(instrument)
Traceback (most recent call last):
colander.Invalid: {'': u'Unrecognized keys in mapping: "{\'foo\': \'bar\'}"'}

>>> del instrument['foo']
>>> validate_instrument(instrument)

>>> print get_instrument_json(instrument)
  "id": "urn:my-instrument",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "An Instrument Title",
  "record": [
      "id": "field1",
      "type": "text"

For more information on the available functionality, please read the API documentation.


Contributions and/or fixes to this package are more than welcome. Please submit them by forking this repository and creating a Pull Request that includes your changes. We ask that you please include unit tests and any appropriate documentation updates along with your code changes.

This project will adhere to the Semantic Versioning methodology as much as possible, so when building dependent projects, please use appropriate version restrictions.

A development environment can be set up to work on this package by doing the following:

$ virtualenv prismh
$ cd prismh
$ . bin/activate
$ hg clone ssh://
$ pip install -e ./prismh.core[dev]